Thank you for your support of Centennial High School Athletics.
The basic structure of the booster club is one parent organization which is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of one representative from each active individual sport booster club. The goals set forth by the Board of Directors are implemented by elected officers of the parent club. Officers of the parent club may also be members/officers of individual sport clubs. The individual sport booster clubs exist (are active) as long as they organize leadership and report their club to the parent club. In order to be considered active, an individual sport booster club should have a minimum of two elected leaders (from within their club), a president and treasurer. It is recommended that each club maintain a secretary/membership coordinator as well if possible. You may be an officer in more than one individual sport booster club if your student is involved in multiple sports and you wish to be in that leadership position for multiple sports.
The individual sport organizations are responsible for:
- Your own finances (records, bank accounts)
- Fundraising efforts for your sport (includes concessions for some sports)
- Student support activities for your sport
- Sales of Game Day Program ads
- Encouraging membership in the club
The sports who may have active individual sport booster clubs are:
- Football
- Volleyball
- Cheerleading
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Power Lifting
- Baseball
- Softball
- Swimming
- Golf
- Tennis
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Soccer
- Track
- Cross Country
- Trainers
- Wrestling